Monday, December 21, 2009

HW # 30

How does this emptiness feel? 
i think that the only reason why people so call feel empty is because we were never thought the true reason what it feels like to be full inside since everybody is so call empty. there will always be this one thing in your life that makes you feel empty so there is not really a example or good reason of how we could be full.... for example everybody has a dream which is to become rich an then you would live a happy lifestyle but if you look at the rich people they seem misrable so having money does not lead to happiness it just leads to more problems. as i was saying there would always be a problem somewhere in your life no matter what you do.
also people think that being in love is being full because they found somebody they really care about, but just because you found that person you do not really know how that is going to replace that emptiness in your life because like i said there is always something missing in your life even if you are with the one you love. humans need to have more than what they have for example if everybody had the same amount of money there would always be one or a few people that wants more money than other people. we always want to feel like we have more power than the other person.

How does cool relate to our attempt to live in relation to this emptiness?
i think that the people that try to be cool are trying to fit in so that they can feel like they are full inside because they would have more friends. an also friends make you feel good about your self so i guess the attempts for humans to be or feel accepted is one of our goals to feel full.
i also think that it is in our nature to follow somebody for example we see a rapper or a pop artist an we all of a sudden want to buy there cd or there cloths. so it is in human nature to try an fit in i also think that being cool is over rated because everybody wants to be cool in there own way. but even in your own way there is somebody else doing the same thing so you really wont be cool in your own way.

HW # 28

i used this magazine as being cool because everybody so call wants to be like them. nice watches, chains, big ear rings an a lot of money. xxl magazine is known for showing off the new artist or the ones that are doing good at what they do. as you can see they show off all the money they made by buying cars an chains etc. this is a sign of cool because everybody wants to be like them. if you google xxl magazines all you would see is people showing off there money. so i guess having money an showing it off is "cool"

Monday, December 14, 2009

HW #29

the part that really caught me was the part when they was talking about sex an that sex is a big part to our lifes an it is true because if you think about it, sex sales an if you have to make a kid buy your products so that you can get rich people will sell it. i dont think it was a crime what Britney Spears did because she was just showing off her body an if thats a crime then sex is a crime to because its all around us an we wont be able to get ride of it an aslo if it was a crime we would be the criminals because a bunch of us(youth) followed her an saying that sex is cool. i think the reason why teens followed that p.o.v was because since a rich white girl did it it must be cool an that if we did it to we would be cool to an i also think that some kids thought that if they followed her in that image we would be grown since grown is basicly sex an work so they wanted to take of the work part an fill it in with fun an saying having a sexual image would be fun an that would make them feel grown.

another part that made me think was the part with the music. alot of people say that teens act like how we do is because of the music we listen to. the video showed that that was a big part of it but they showed teens lighting things on fire an the reporter saying that the kids did that because of the music but how do they know that is the reason it could have been just to have fun or they could have been mad or a conflict happened there are many other reason why that could have happen but they never asked the teens why they did that an i think if they did they would have not said it was the musics fault.

Monday, December 7, 2009


cool billy.jpg   i think that this cover of ebony mag is saying that being black is being cool an i think that is right because a lot of rappers are black an they portray the so called cool look with the nice watches an chains fancy cars an sexy girls an also dressing nice. so i guess being black is cool now, not looking back at history but paying attention to the present an looking how we have grown as a culture.

during the break i interviewed/ talked to my brother the person i look up to. i look up to him because he went to college an meet a girl, got married an brought a house. but they struggled but they still got what they needed an wanted in life which i found cool. i talked to him an asked him what does he think about the whole college situation because i was thinking about not going because i cant sand school an i really do not want to do another 4 years of some thing i do not like. an i also said i did not want to go because its going to cost a lot of money an you will end up in debt. my bro ended up in 42,000 dollars in debt an his wife 84,000 an they grad 10 years ago an there still paying that off. so i was in doubt an really did not want to go. he said that it would be better for your life when finish it because you will end up with more of a life if you do. but i think he is cool because he has been through a lot an he is doing good in life now.

Friday, December 4, 2009

HW# 26


i think ian is cool because he is the only guy that every guy in the school can give hugs 2 an also he is good with helping people out when there down.

dylan is cool because he has a laid back type personality an does not really care bout a lot of things

ali jo is cool because she is dating ian an there cute as a couple an she is smart an she lives down the block. she also have her own style an i can understand that.

kareem is so called cool because a lot of people know him an he plays sports. even though hes an ass hole some times but then he notice that he is being a ass hole then he says sorry. an he is also cool because he has a different hair style than everybody

Friday, November 27, 2009

HW# 25

dylans story seems to be that the person way of being cool is to show up 2 school late an not even care about school much because he stoped an got a sandwish which shows that he doesnt really care much an also he came in with his ipod on an his head phones dangeling.

i think this connects chris's paper to real cool or just lookin cool an in his story his character was just looking cool because he was late with a sandwish.

in my story i think that being real cool is being responsible for your life or somthing you created such as a baby if your a dad you gotta take care of it i think it is cool because they are taken care of what they have to.

Monday, November 23, 2009

hw # 24

yo why do you always fall asleep in class you do notice that you miss work and a lot of stuff in class right.

yeah i know that but if the body calls for sleep you have to do it. i come after school to work on hw or anything i missed so im good. you i have to know which classes to fall asleep in.

i actualy do not i just want a 65 so i can get out of here.

yo man you need to open your eyes an notice the stuff thats going on around you.

"he starts to notice that this is like the movie matrix and that there are 2 ways to look at the world he sees that things are bad because of his own bad desion and that life would be a lot diffrent if he would choose the  right way

yo i dont even care, since day one everybody has an expirtaion date so all of this will be over soon no matter how you look at it, so all you can do is have fun before that day comes. your last day will be the oppiste of your first. you will grow an die just like a flower. we created things that just make that day come closer so basicly were killing our selfs.

yea i understand but you cant look at life in a negative p.o.v just think positive and positive thing will happen.

NO THAT IS NOT TRUE bad things happen to good people!!!! so i disagree with you. so when you ask me why i fall asleep in school it is because later in life we wont really have to use most of it so i dont carer

Sunday, November 22, 2009

hw# 23

well i think that "cool" is just somthing everybody says that show its somthing that stands out 2 everybody. "cool" has 2 meanings it could mean how sombody is portrade or the weather out side. its kinda hard to write about it because this topic is not really important to me. i know it sounds like im trying to be a rebal but im not i just dont really care. its not all about being cool its about doing what you have to do in life to stay alive. matter fact to me i think being a single father is cool because not many father are the one to take care of babies by them selfs. but thats just me. i would also find it cool if there was a female that had a lot of power for a change such as a prez. i find things cool that are different. i think the guy who mande fried chicken the coolest guy ever because he made my fav food. its the things that people do that defined them as cool in my book.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

HW # 21

this is a perfect picture of digtial. i know andy said dont just take a pic off of google but i had to i couldnt think of anything else. this picture shows how the people got lazy enough where they got fat an can not get out there seats because everything they need is right in front of them so they dont need to do much but just reach. as you can see the tv is right in front of there faces an there food is brought personaly to there chairs. i choose this picture because this shows one mans thoughts about how the human race will be with the revolution of digital an tech. i agree with him because if you notice the years go by we get fatter or more lazy because of everything that is being brought to us in our own house, an even our cell phones.
i think tis peice of work is a mirror because it is not forming the world it is showing how the world looks at its self i think that this movie "WALL-E" was based off of how the director sees the world now, as fat lazy people.

Monday, November 9, 2009

HW # 20

in the world that we live in we are surrounded by technology with the start of it, the first light bulb was invented in 1879 by Thomas Alva Edison which starts our digital/ tech adventure. after the light bulb that opened the doors for a lot of other inventions. from the year 1879 where the light bulb was created to the year present year of 2009 where we have cell phones, ipods, video game, etc. the things that we use now seems like people use it to tunes out the real world an have everybody stay in there own world/ bubble. through out the years it has seemed that we are very addicted to digital. even though we are addicted it is not really a bad addiction. with the many digital things we use we can learn a lot from video games, ipods, cell phones, an also computers. our digital addiction can teach us an it has also made our lives easier, we can buy things, do homework, etc. we can do anything basicly easy access at our finger tips. the human race from the 1870's to the 2000's has been trough a big transformation in the pass years. with out the invention of internet i would not be able to do this homework, the new revolution of tech is very use full. yes we all have become dependent on all of the digital but it is very hard to avoid it when its all around it so you should just jump on the band wagon.

i am a gamer an i have to argue that certain video games can teach kids many things such as like the video game call of duty. through out the game you play as a soldier going trough WW1 an WW2 an while i was playing the game i was learning what was happing in the war. during the game they tell you to go do somthing for example inveltrate a certain country but it is based off true fact that happened in the war. i am starting to see alot of games like that where they are trying to teach the kids or who ever is playing that you can have fun while you are learning an also that game sold over a million copies an based off that other game companys are making there games off of true history events. video games now days are getting even more digtial i dont understand how it can but it is, every year the graphics for a game gets better which makes the game look more real. another game that shows that you can learn, have fun, an has good graphics is the new racing simulater call forza 3 motor sport, this games graphics are so good you can not tell if the game was a game or in real life. you can learn from this game if you want to learn about cars because this game go in to detail about everything even the engine. you can have fun by racing people in different countries or even friends from school you can do anything you want. basicly im saying that video games are not just a waste of time because they can teach you things. so if you are a person that says video games root the brain then you are stupid because you have never experience the game for your self (in my opinion). i think that video games can make you better as a human because you can use the things that you learned in the game in real life. but not everything in the games are relovent you can learn a lot of wrong things from games but most of the things you learn are good things.

the first invention of the light bulb was 1879 an after that invention that opened the doors for many more inventions such as the video game, tv, cell phone, an ipod etc. with out the progress of digtial we would still have to use candles an fires for light. with the progress of tech we have become more aware of everything an also it has made life a lot more easier for us now that we can do anything with it. it has gotten so good that our cell phones are even become close enough to computers an even our video games are becoming computer such as the play station 3 were you can serf the web on it you can check your myspace, facebook, twitter, anything you can think of. it is crazy how the human mind can expand the single thought of a light bulb to an ipod, the human race has come a long way an from how it is looking things are only gonna get better, from 1879 to 2009 our ideas are getting better an making our lifes fun an easy. a way that you can say how computers make you better as a person because you can look up any answer to any question an you can always remember what you learned.

as we keep buying new version of things such as the new ipod which does the same thing as the last but it looks cooler or its in your fav color, or it has a camera etc. what is the use of buying all the new version of things if they do all the same thing to me it makes no sense. i think every body buys thoses things just to look better than the next person if you think about it if everybody had the same phone the same ipods the same evrything the world would be kinda boring. everybody wants to feel like the better person of everybody by buying better things or flashy things. with how our digital evolution is going we are just going to spend more money on the next verson because it doesnt look like there going to stop making things. how do you think people felt when the light bulb was invented. (this new ball that lights up your house, everybody went out an brought it) people are attractied to new things an out world has a lot to come.

thorugh out the years they make new things an everybody goes an buy it but if people would just take the time out put the phones down or stop doing anything digital they would notice that there life are a little stress free because they have more time to do more important things in there life. video games can teach the mind not root it, computers can be used to learn. from the light bulb to an ipod we WILL have more things coming out that will make out life better or easyier. people dont have to spend all there money on the next version saver the last because there will be many other things to buy. in conclusion our lifes are based off digtial or technology an the only thing we can do is hop on an join the rest of the world in our ride of technology.

Friday, November 6, 2009

HW # 18, 19

the first light bulb was invented in 1879 by Thomas Alva Edison which starts our digital/ tech adventure. after the light bulb that opened the doors for a lot of other inventions. from the year 1879 where the light bulb was created to the year present year of 2009 where we have cell phones, ipods, video game, etc. the things that we use now seems like people use it to tunes out the real world an have everybody stay in there own world/ bubble. through out the years it has seemed that we are very addicted to digital. even though we are addicted it is not really a bad addiction. with the many digital things we use we can learn a lot from video games, ipods, cell phones, an also computers. our digital addiction can teach us an it has also made our lives easier, we can buy things, do homework, etc. we can do anything basicly easy access at our finger tips. the human race from the 1870's to the 2000's has been trough a big transformation in the pass years. with out the invention of internet i would not be able to do this homework, the new revolution of tech is very use full. yes we all have become dependent on all of the digital but it is very hard to avoid it when its all around it so you should just jump on the band wagon.

i am a gamer an i have to argue that certain video games can teach kids many things such as like the video game call of duty. through out the game you play as a soldier going trough WW1 an WW2 an while i was playing the game i was learning what was happing in the war. during the game they tell you to go do somthing for example inveltrate a certain country but it is based off true fact that happened in the war. im starting to see alot of games like that where they are trying to teach the kids or who ever is playing that you can have fun while you are learning an also that game sold over a million copies an based off that other game companys are making there games off of true history events. video games now days are getting even more digtial i dont understand how it can but it is, every year the graphics for a game gets better which makes the game look more real. another game that shows that you can learn, have fun, an has good graphics is the new racing simulater call forza 3 motor sport, this games graphics are so good you can not tell if the game was a game or in real life. you can learn from this game if you want to learn about cars because this game go in to detail about everything even the engine. you can have fun by racing people in different countries or even friends from school you can do anything you want. basicly im saying that video games are not just a waste of time because they can teach you things. so if you are a person that says video games root the brain then you are stupid because you have never experience the game for your self (in my opinion).

the first invention of the light bulb was 1879 an after that invention that opened the doors for many more inventions such as the video game, tv, cell phone, an ipod etc. with out the progress of digtial we would still have to use candles an fires for light. with the progress of tech we have become more aware of everything an also it has made life a lot more easier for us now that we can do anything with it. it has gotten so good that our cell phones are even become close enough to computers an even our video games are becoming computer such as the play station 3 were you can serf the web on it you can check your myspace, facebook, twitter, anything you can think of. it is crazy how the human mind can expand the single thought of a light bulb to an ipod, the human race has come a long way an from how it is looking things are only gonna get better, from 1879 to 2009 our ideas are getting better an making our lifes fun an easy.

as we keep buying new version of things such as the new ipod which does the same thing as the last but it looks cooler or its in your fav color, or it has a camera etc. what is the use of buying all the new version of things if they do all the same thing to me it makes no sense. i think every body buys thoses things just to look better than the next person if you think about it if everybody had the same phone the same ipods the same evrything the world would be kinda boring. everybody wants to feel like the better person of everybody by buying better things or flashy things. with how our digital evolution is going we are just going to spend more money on the next verson because it doesnt look like there going to stop making things. how do you think people felt when the light bulb was invented. (this new ball that lights up your house, everybody went out an brought it) people are attractied to new things an out world has a lot to come.

thorugh out the years they make new things an everybody goes an buy it but if people would just take the time out put the phones down or stop doing anything digital they would notice that there life are a little stress free because they have more time to do more important things in there life. video games can teach the mind not root it, computers can be used to learn. from the light bulb to an ipod we WILL have more things coming out that will make out life better or easyier. people dont have to spend all there money on the next version saver the last because there will be many other things to buy. in conclusion our lifes are based off digtial or technogoly an the only thing we can do is hop on an join the rest of the world in our ride of technogoly.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009


i like how u set it up i used your idea for mine. do you think you can connect all your ideas to your self like a text to self. like what do you do in your life based off tech or digital

HW # 16 the real out line


  • invention of the light bulb

  • video games can be good for you

  • tech has made life so much easyier
(easy access to information-at your finger tips)

teis: from the invention of the first light bulb to the revoltionary ipod we have been thorugh alot of chnages that has made our lifes easier an more productive with the help of tech.

Pharagraph 1

for me to be a gamer i have notice that some games  can teach people things

  • "call of duty 1&2 shows the WW1 & 2 through the game you play as a soldier going into battle

Pharagraph 2

the progress of tech is only going to get better so we should just use it until we run out of ideas

  • light bulb

  • ipod

pharagraph 3

with the help of tech our lifes have been easier we can look up anything we want online we can even learn online now

  • our lifes revolve around tech now but all it takes is a hiking trip to notice life with out it

pharagraph 4

  • we buy the new version of things that looks cooler but it does the same thing as the last it makes no sense


Sunday, November 1, 2009


every body had a different personal experience with our digital experiments some doubled there digital, some did less digital, some just stop using digital in total. what i did was 2 experiments i doubled an also did less 2 day apart so i can see the out come of the experiment. my results were when i doubled i had less time to do homework an less time to sleep an i noticed in the process of doing this when i was playing my xbox 360 that i didnt get tired so fast i guess because i was doing somthing fun or somthing that interest me. during my second experiment were i did less digital, i had time to do so much stuff such as homework, wash cloths, clean my room, pick my cloths out for the next day, etc. basicly when i did that i was able to sleep an wake up on time for school the next day which is why i did the experiments to days apart.

my experience with my doubling the digital was fun but had a tiring after effect on my body when i had to wake up for school the next day. it was not the best feeling an not the best experiment i did because the next day your walking around like a "zombie" you feel real slugish an dead tired. i couldnt focus in school because i was so tired i kept putting my head down an dozzing off. yea i agree that it was fun the night when i did it but it wasnt the next day its like a hang over. but as a gamer i would have to argue that it is fun you notice so much more when the clock passes 11:00pm its like all the fun things starts happing when its pass that time. if your a gamer i highly think you should try this but on a weekend when you dont have school the next day.

my other experience with less digital was not fun i felt like a crack head just wanting to play my game or watch tv because im so use to doing when im done with everything else but i couldnt so i found things for me to do such as clean my room, wash cloths, etc. i did notice that when you dont stay up pass 11:00pm playing games you are more awake in the morning for school your not cranky an you are willing to do anything, an also i notice that you focus on the other things instead of just playing the game like homework somthing that you should be doing anyway instead of playing the game. i would argue for this experiment that if you are falling behind in school an stuck on your video game you should do this one because you are more focused on your work when your not on your game.

as much as i wanna say that video games are like drugs because they are so adictive an there are so many of them you just get over welmed of all the game an want to buy a game to keep you busy. but me as a gamer i will agree an have to argue with my self because i agree that yeah when your board an have nothing to do you play it an notice that time goes by so fast when your playing it. you as a person have to realize that there are better things you can be doing an that you look like a zombie playing the game for many hours just sitting there.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

HW # 15

kareems comments:

well first of all you actualy took the time out to read this book an write about it. but i like the fact that you think that "feed" is a work of art but i dont so you are on yur own with that but i would like it better if you could say it is a work of art. but i think out of the hw's 10-14 i think this one is the best it seems like you took more time to do this one an your really took time to think about what you was goning to say about the book.

dylan comments:

i like that you also right like how i do, you dont use big words that you dont understand but you do know how to expand your thoughts with out having to. my fav work from your page out of the 10-14 peices of work we had to choose to write about would have to be. "Monday, October 19, 2009" well since your dont really name your blogs i had to do that. but i like this post because first you took the time out to do it an also you connect the book the our everyday lifes which would have been a better idea because we are teenagers an i think if you would have connected it to the steriotype teenagers in the movies then it would have never worked out like how it did an just like you said "movies send mix messages" which i think is a good way to put it because out of all the movies out there, the movies always have more than one message that they trying to show us. but you also wrote that the age group in this book is tricky, just like i said in my post because you didnt know who the book was talking to ether teens,young adults, or old adults. the book is very tricky i agree.

good work both of you

Monday, October 19, 2009

HW # 13

i think the use of him saying that its a tragedy is basicly saying that the real world kids lifes or our world are tragedys which we have messed up thorugh out time. with every generation getting dumber its just getting worst. i also think that M.T. Anderson wrote this book for the young adults an the old adults so show how the new teenagers are making our economy worst.

in a teenagers eyes many of us do not see the book through the "andy lens" if we didnt have andys class we would think the book was just based off the future but with the thought it makes us look at the book a different way so i dont think the book was that successfull because not everybody sees it the same way. the message in the book is clear to older or young adults but not to teens

Bert Brecht supposedly said that, "Art is not a Mirror with which to reflect the World. It is a Hammer with which to shape it." Would you want your art to be a hammer or a mirror?

i think what he meant by the art is not a mirror with which to reflect the world is that art does not just have one staright forward message like a mirror. art has many different messages an many different view of it. an how a hammer shapes it i think that means art it all around us whatever we look at it counts as art. a persons feelings can be expressed as art, cloths, dance, ect there are many things is our lifes that count as art which shapes our lifes. i would like my art to be a hammer so that i can created a messages to everybody that makes them look at themselfs as a mirror. i want it to be able to have people think about how they think about themselfes as a person when nobodys around an compare it to when people is around.

HW# 12

ok first of all i do think everybody is in there own bubble in this world but not everybody stays in there own some people goes into others an try to personal. but thats beyond the fact that like andy said in class that we are being "feed" the same thing that everybody else is.

i think this book was a perfect idea to show how people now a days act like how they do. so i give props to M.T. Anderson for making the book "feed". i have to disagree with the bubble thing because not everybody kept to them selfs an stay in there bubble everybody like the attention so we like the leave our bubbles an get involved or share our problems.

in the book i think its showing us or trying to make it seem like our generation is stupid/dumb but me being part of the generation i highly disagree. as andy said that the book seems like its a tragedy i think M.T. Anderson was trying to say that our generation has made the world worst due to our techno, an us being lazy an that is what leads to us being dumb or stupid because we are to lazy to learn anything because we are to focuses on our cell phone, aim, myspace, etc.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

HW# 11

ok i didnt get a chance to post the hw on thursday because i had to work after school to midnight but i will write about how it was for me on wensday, friday, an saterday on wensday i did less digital an got more sleep in the process which meant i was on time for school the next day. on friday i also work from 6 to 12 midnight but i played my xbox for 2 hours which meant i went to bed at 3 an didnt wake up till 12 on saterday. on saterday as soon as i woke up i played my 360 an didnt stop till 430 which i was called in for work for another 530 to 12 shift but when i got home i played till 5 in the morning somthing i stoped doing since school started, an ended up waking up at 1pm on sunday.

from what i notice when i double the digtial i lose out on sleep that my body needs an i end up feeling slugish the next day but when i get the sleep i need i feel energetic an like i can do anything since im awake with all this enegry.

Monday, October 5, 2009

HW #10

im going to write this about the history of video games the video game genatraion where it started in the 1940 but where upgraded by the 1950 to become pong an all the other old game we know of the first video game that was advertised was created in 1971 the name of it was computer space it was global everywhere it was all around united states, japan, and also europe  in 1971 Nolan bushnell and Ted Dabney created a coin operated acrade version of spacewar. 
in the 1980's the best video games were invented such as street fighter in (87), pac man was created (1980), donkey kong, metroid,etc
through out the years the video games have been upgraded to become dam near a computer.
in the present day of 2009 we are able to do everything a computer can do. on my xbox 360 i can use my netflix acount an watch movies an also i can watch cable on it to. on my brothers play station 3 he can go on myspace, face book etc. a few years ago we couldnt do that with the video games we had. its seems that all of the video game corperations are trying there best to keep us inside the house to stay stuck to the tv.

Saturday, October 3, 2009


i notice when you watched tv you were like a zombie you didnt really look at the camera but i did see you peeking at it like you were into the show but you also notice that somthing is watching you.

i like the fact that you video shows you watching tv an not on the phone or anything else when your watching tv your just watching tv. others were not distracted but entertained by the game an the cell phone at the same time unlike the lighting in your room is kinda creepy you seem like your traped in a jail cell or somthing


iight i like your video to i see that when your on your computer you like to multitask to. you use your phone while listening to your ipod an also checking your myspace or whatever you was checking.

just like me we cant just do one thing we have to be doing somthing else if its texting an on the computer to eating/texting/playing the game. its all a part of the digital life.

to answer the reason why my video was so long was because i didnt know how to stop it ever time i hit stop somthing pop up an the video kept going.

but with all that said i like the video it shows how our genaration is so addicted to the tech that we need it with everything we do.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Untitled from kevin williams on Vimeo.

i notice that when im playing the game im having so much fun an i guess because im so good i have time to beat christan an charles while im texting an eating. i think it is somthing i got use to because when the game is ready you have to be ready to play an if your not your team would be mad at you but since this was a racing game i was on my own but the main thing is 2 beat them 2 so i try to hurry up an eat or get a much as i can until the game is ready. i took the video an 8:30 pm an started the game at the same time an now it is 12:30 am. i just turned the game off while i was waiting for the video to download.
i think i am different than other people when they play the game because they look like zombies but i dont i look at it for a few then look away not because i get distracted its because all it is, is a game i dont really have to play it i just do it for entertainment so i dont really care much.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009


while i was watching the video i did notice that it seemed like you was a zombie you was always looking at the tv an didnt look away until im guessing the other guy was picking his play. me being a gamer to i can just hear the game an i know what game your playing. i like the fact that you kept playing the game instead of looking at the computer just because you know it was hw an you had to do it but you stayed yourself an played it.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

HW# 7

on kevin's heroic tour of new york he found him self walking down park ave with his noble sted kareem on there walk to 14th st they notice that nobody wanted to talk to them about the question they were asking so they walked back to the school.

well yeah like i said nobody at all wanted to talk to us so we walked back to school but while i was working on saterday on my 6pm-12am shift around 8:30 this guy came up to my stand an he was listeing to the base ball game on his iphone an he told me that if he paid $2.99 he could watch the game to so im  starting to see that you can do anything on your phone now.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

HW #5

ok to start it off through out the years that i been living an learning i noticed that there will always be a new thing such as video games every year there is a new system that comes out an all of the people are drawen to but it i will not say dumb enough to buy it because i am one of those people that will buy one. so i will say drawn because we are so use to playing them we just gotta have one for entertainment. the world that playes it is being brain washed into the techno world where our lifes revolve around tech.

why must we need a new cell phone if we already had 1 that works perfectly good is it to keep up with the crowd or is it for personal reasons. its the same thing with tvs why do we need hd tv all of a sudden when for 20 plus years our normal tvs were working just fine an what most of the people didnt know about hd tv is that the tvs uses more energy because it is more detailed in picture due to brighter pixels. if u didnt notice that they basicly forced us to buy hd tv this year around feb 13. so the people who didnt have one had to go out an buy one because if they didnt they couldnt watch tv anymore.

what im basicly trying to say is that the things we buy over an over again will end up becoming old an then were gonna wind up buy new things only because everybody else is buying one.
maybe in the next 10 to 20 years theres gonna be a new type of tv after everybody gets a hd tv there just gonna change it just so we can spend more money.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

HW#4 Triangular Comments 1

i like the fact that you explan the main topic why are the people now adays use so much tech. in my own word i would have said that every genaration gets more andvance from the last such as the genaration of pong compared to our genaration now where we have the xbox 360, ps3, an also the wii. pong was just 2 things that slide up an down that hits a ball like tennis now with the new genaration we have everything from being able to play them old game on it to being able to play with people across the world. but you did hit some good arguement topics. from the pong to the 360 people have been addicted to the up coming tech but the only thing we can do is jump on the band wagon an buy them to.

it was nice to read your blog an being able to comment on it with our new age tech i hope we can read more later on in the year


something i want to add on is that our generation has grown to ipods or anything type of music player while they do there home work. for example im listening to my music to do my home work now because i feel that it makes me more comfortable an for some reason it is easyer for me to concentrate on doing my home work.

an i am noticing that everything is done off of the internet now a days such as home work,shopping,an working at home. everybody will end up being fat doing everything at home no working out at all just eating, watching tv, being on the computer, an sleep that all our generations will become.


What are some of the topicsthat this suggests to you?

how america has gotten lazy from the tech an how many movies show that in the future most of the humans will be fat or over weight because everything is right there. an also since everybody will be lazy an using alot of tech there will be more an more phones coming out which means there will be more wasted resources an there will be more chemicals in the air because of all the phones there making.

When you think about the conquest of so many hours of your day, and the days of the people around you, by the electromagnetic-representational-dimension, what are some of the aspects that seem interesting to you?

well as a young teenager most of my time is spent watching tv an playing video games. but when i am home an do not feel like doing that i will go out side an play football,basketball, an any types of sports that my boys feel like playing. so i do not spend every min of my life like a zombie watching tv an playing the video game.

What's good and what's bad and what's weird about all this?

i think it is good that we are talking about this because we are the generation that everybody is talking about an since its about us we should know about it. the good part is that we have tech to survive now a days but the bad part is what will happen if the tech fails

What's obvious but still important? its obvious that our generation grew up playing video games so were gonna play games.