Sunday, November 22, 2009

hw# 23

well i think that "cool" is just somthing everybody says that show its somthing that stands out 2 everybody. "cool" has 2 meanings it could mean how sombody is portrade or the weather out side. its kinda hard to write about it because this topic is not really important to me. i know it sounds like im trying to be a rebal but im not i just dont really care. its not all about being cool its about doing what you have to do in life to stay alive. matter fact to me i think being a single father is cool because not many father are the one to take care of babies by them selfs. but thats just me. i would also find it cool if there was a female that had a lot of power for a change such as a prez. i find things cool that are different. i think the guy who mande fried chicken the coolest guy ever because he made my fav food. its the things that people do that defined them as cool in my book.

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