Monday, December 14, 2009

HW #29

the part that really caught me was the part when they was talking about sex an that sex is a big part to our lifes an it is true because if you think about it, sex sales an if you have to make a kid buy your products so that you can get rich people will sell it. i dont think it was a crime what Britney Spears did because she was just showing off her body an if thats a crime then sex is a crime to because its all around us an we wont be able to get ride of it an aslo if it was a crime we would be the criminals because a bunch of us(youth) followed her an saying that sex is cool. i think the reason why teens followed that p.o.v was because since a rich white girl did it it must be cool an that if we did it to we would be cool to an i also think that some kids thought that if they followed her in that image we would be grown since grown is basicly sex an work so they wanted to take of the work part an fill it in with fun an saying having a sexual image would be fun an that would make them feel grown.

another part that made me think was the part with the music. alot of people say that teens act like how we do is because of the music we listen to. the video showed that that was a big part of it but they showed teens lighting things on fire an the reporter saying that the kids did that because of the music but how do they know that is the reason it could have been just to have fun or they could have been mad or a conflict happened there are many other reason why that could have happen but they never asked the teens why they did that an i think if they did they would have not said it was the musics fault.

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