Monday, October 5, 2009

HW #10

im going to write this about the history of video games the video game genatraion where it started in the 1940 but where upgraded by the 1950 to become pong an all the other old game we know of the first video game that was advertised was created in 1971 the name of it was computer space it was global everywhere it was all around united states, japan, and also europe  in 1971 Nolan bushnell and Ted Dabney created a coin operated acrade version of spacewar. 
in the 1980's the best video games were invented such as street fighter in (87), pac man was created (1980), donkey kong, metroid,etc
through out the years the video games have been upgraded to become dam near a computer.
in the present day of 2009 we are able to do everything a computer can do. on my xbox 360 i can use my netflix acount an watch movies an also i can watch cable on it to. on my brothers play station 3 he can go on myspace, face book etc. a few years ago we couldnt do that with the video games we had. its seems that all of the video game corperations are trying there best to keep us inside the house to stay stuck to the tv.

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