Sunday, November 1, 2009


every body had a different personal experience with our digital experiments some doubled there digital, some did less digital, some just stop using digital in total. what i did was 2 experiments i doubled an also did less 2 day apart so i can see the out come of the experiment. my results were when i doubled i had less time to do homework an less time to sleep an i noticed in the process of doing this when i was playing my xbox 360 that i didnt get tired so fast i guess because i was doing somthing fun or somthing that interest me. during my second experiment were i did less digital, i had time to do so much stuff such as homework, wash cloths, clean my room, pick my cloths out for the next day, etc. basicly when i did that i was able to sleep an wake up on time for school the next day which is why i did the experiments to days apart.

my experience with my doubling the digital was fun but had a tiring after effect on my body when i had to wake up for school the next day. it was not the best feeling an not the best experiment i did because the next day your walking around like a "zombie" you feel real slugish an dead tired. i couldnt focus in school because i was so tired i kept putting my head down an dozzing off. yea i agree that it was fun the night when i did it but it wasnt the next day its like a hang over. but as a gamer i would have to argue that it is fun you notice so much more when the clock passes 11:00pm its like all the fun things starts happing when its pass that time. if your a gamer i highly think you should try this but on a weekend when you dont have school the next day.

my other experience with less digital was not fun i felt like a crack head just wanting to play my game or watch tv because im so use to doing when im done with everything else but i couldnt so i found things for me to do such as clean my room, wash cloths, etc. i did notice that when you dont stay up pass 11:00pm playing games you are more awake in the morning for school your not cranky an you are willing to do anything, an also i notice that you focus on the other things instead of just playing the game like homework somthing that you should be doing anyway instead of playing the game. i would argue for this experiment that if you are falling behind in school an stuck on your video game you should do this one because you are more focused on your work when your not on your game.

as much as i wanna say that video games are like drugs because they are so adictive an there are so many of them you just get over welmed of all the game an want to buy a game to keep you busy. but me as a gamer i will agree an have to argue with my self because i agree that yeah when your board an have nothing to do you play it an notice that time goes by so fast when your playing it. you as a person have to realize that there are better things you can be doing an that you look like a zombie playing the game for many hours just sitting there.

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