Monday, October 19, 2009

HW # 13

i think the use of him saying that its a tragedy is basicly saying that the real world kids lifes or our world are tragedys which we have messed up thorugh out time. with every generation getting dumber its just getting worst. i also think that M.T. Anderson wrote this book for the young adults an the old adults so show how the new teenagers are making our economy worst.

in a teenagers eyes many of us do not see the book through the "andy lens" if we didnt have andys class we would think the book was just based off the future but with the thought it makes us look at the book a different way so i dont think the book was that successfull because not everybody sees it the same way. the message in the book is clear to older or young adults but not to teens

Bert Brecht supposedly said that, "Art is not a Mirror with which to reflect the World. It is a Hammer with which to shape it." Would you want your art to be a hammer or a mirror?

i think what he meant by the art is not a mirror with which to reflect the world is that art does not just have one staright forward message like a mirror. art has many different messages an many different view of it. an how a hammer shapes it i think that means art it all around us whatever we look at it counts as art. a persons feelings can be expressed as art, cloths, dance, ect there are many things is our lifes that count as art which shapes our lifes. i would like my art to be a hammer so that i can created a messages to everybody that makes them look at themselfs as a mirror. i want it to be able to have people think about how they think about themselfes as a person when nobodys around an compare it to when people is around.

1 comment:

  1. kevin,
    i like how you targeted this number 13 piece to talk about the fact that you didnt think that the book was a tragedy. everyone else said that the book was a tragedy and you had your own ideas and i respect you for that. you really expressed your thoughts towards the book and i think this is deffinettly your best piece of work because you put work into it that you dont useually put in. you expressed ideas that no one else realy had and thats why i belive this is your best work so far this quarter.
