Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Untitled from kevin williams on Vimeo.

i notice that when im playing the game im having so much fun an i guess because im so good i have time to beat christan an charles while im texting an eating. i think it is somthing i got use to because when the game is ready you have to be ready to play an if your not your team would be mad at you but since this was a racing game i was on my own but the main thing is 2 beat them 2 so i try to hurry up an eat or get a much as i can until the game is ready. i took the video an 8:30 pm an started the game at the same time an now it is 12:30 am. i just turned the game off while i was waiting for the video to download.
i think i am different than other people when they play the game because they look like zombies but i dont i look at it for a few then look away not because i get distracted its because all it is, is a game i dont really have to play it i just do it for entertainment so i dont really care much.


  1. I appreciate your video because it's so cool how you express yourself when it comes to playing that game and plus eating and plus talking to the other guy on the headphones. You really express to me what you do on a day-to-day basis with playing xbox 360 and you did good on that.

    I can really understand where your coming from because it can get addicting and fun to play games but at the same time mult-task since doing one thing isn't good enough. Reading that you played for 4 hours seem to tell me you have nothing to do than eat and play games.

    This video connects to a lot of other people but not me because i spend my time working out everyday so i have no time to be playing around for 4 hours on xbox. But a lot of other people do that too because they think it's so much fun and they get to be a character they are not or get to be a person they wish to become but they don't believe in themselves so video games are their way out. I've learned not to spend so much time on games because first off it makes you lazy and second it makes you dumb. So this video really connected to other people ad how they live their lives digitally.

    I think you did an excellent job but your video is way too long and you should cut that down a little because we get the picture what you do. But other than that i think you did good and expressed yourself just fine in this video.

    This video makes me realize that i'm doing a good job not playing to many games on xbox but it did make me realize i shouldn't mutli-task on my phone than computer than ipod. I mean one at a time and also to cut down on how many hours i use these electronics.

    Thanks for the video! You did a great job!

  2. DEAR BIG BLA......KEVIN..
    I LOVED your video. It was so genius. The friend chicken and rice with the video games. It was just a really fun and hype video to watch! I love how happy and excited you look in your video.

    One thing I noticed is your digital multitasking. I notice how you always need some sort of digital stimulation that you do more then one device at once. I think you get excitement out of your video games, music, and communicating through your xbox and phone. Its as if you need to keep your eye on some sort of screen. Also how into certain digital stimulations you are, such as your racing game. You get so into the game, maybe for you it feels as if your actually directly interacting to the point where you cannot get away. It becomes a competition between other classmates.

    I think video games are such an excitable digital system because it sparks our creativity in a way. From my point of view of playing video games and from my boyfriend's acessive towards video games it gives the player the feeling as if they are in the game, as if they are directly interacting and racing, shooting, etc. Things that they wouldn't usually realistically do in real life. This is where digital stimulations probably sparks our imagination.

    I think your video is true genius but you may want to work on your grammer in your analysis of your video. Also write a little more about your feelings you had during the playing,singing,eating,texting moment. And how if may effect you if you suddenly had none of these digital devices or maybe just one. I think you'd probably feel axious (just a guess). For example if you only had texting you wouldn't have any music or video games to entertain you while you wait for the person to respond.

    Your video makes me consider how much digital stimulation is needed at once. Sometimes when I am on the computer I tend to switch on the television. This is mainly if I am waiting for a page to load or so I wouldn't miss anything on television worth watching. Thus giving me the ability to be digital stimulated twice the amount. Is this necessarily good? I am not quite sure. The fact that I am so digitally reliant and always need to be stimulated to help me pass the time could be taken away time that I could be using to be more use full.

    Well Kevin...again.. thank you for the most genius video. I wish I would have gotten to see you video before the voting thing closed or I would have voted for yours. I loved it. Classic Kevin :)
