Tuesday, October 27, 2009

HW # 15

kareems comments:

well first of all you actualy took the time out to read this book an write about it. but i like the fact that you think that "feed" is a work of art but i dont so you are on yur own with that but i would like it better if you could say it is a work of art. but i think out of the hw's 10-14 i think this one is the best it seems like you took more time to do this one an your really took time to think about what you was goning to say about the book.

dylan comments:

i like that you also right like how i do, you dont use big words that you dont understand but you do know how to expand your thoughts with out having to. my fav work from your page out of the 10-14 peices of work we had to choose to write about would have to be. "Monday, October 19, 2009" well since your dont really name your blogs i had to do that. but i like this post because first you took the time out to do it an also you connect the book the our everyday lifes which would have been a better idea because we are teenagers an i think if you would have connected it to the steriotype teenagers in the movies then it would have never worked out like how it did an just like you said "movies send mix messages" which i think is a good way to put it because out of all the movies out there, the movies always have more than one message that they trying to show us. but you also wrote that the age group in this book is tricky, just like i said in my post because you didnt know who the book was talking to ether teens,young adults, or old adults. the book is very tricky i agree.

good work both of you

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