Monday, December 7, 2009


cool billy.jpg   i think that this cover of ebony mag is saying that being black is being cool an i think that is right because a lot of rappers are black an they portray the so called cool look with the nice watches an chains fancy cars an sexy girls an also dressing nice. so i guess being black is cool now, not looking back at history but paying attention to the present an looking how we have grown as a culture.

during the break i interviewed/ talked to my brother the person i look up to. i look up to him because he went to college an meet a girl, got married an brought a house. but they struggled but they still got what they needed an wanted in life which i found cool. i talked to him an asked him what does he think about the whole college situation because i was thinking about not going because i cant sand school an i really do not want to do another 4 years of some thing i do not like. an i also said i did not want to go because its going to cost a lot of money an you will end up in debt. my bro ended up in 42,000 dollars in debt an his wife 84,000 an they grad 10 years ago an there still paying that off. so i was in doubt an really did not want to go. he said that it would be better for your life when finish it because you will end up with more of a life if you do. but i think he is cool because he has been through a lot an he is doing good in life now.

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