Thursday, September 17, 2009


What are some of the topicsthat this suggests to you?

how america has gotten lazy from the tech an how many movies show that in the future most of the humans will be fat or over weight because everything is right there. an also since everybody will be lazy an using alot of tech there will be more an more phones coming out which means there will be more wasted resources an there will be more chemicals in the air because of all the phones there making.

When you think about the conquest of so many hours of your day, and the days of the people around you, by the electromagnetic-representational-dimension, what are some of the aspects that seem interesting to you?

well as a young teenager most of my time is spent watching tv an playing video games. but when i am home an do not feel like doing that i will go out side an play football,basketball, an any types of sports that my boys feel like playing. so i do not spend every min of my life like a zombie watching tv an playing the video game.

What's good and what's bad and what's weird about all this?

i think it is good that we are talking about this because we are the generation that everybody is talking about an since its about us we should know about it. the good part is that we have tech to survive now a days but the bad part is what will happen if the tech fails

What's obvious but still important? its obvious that our generation grew up playing video games so were gonna play games.

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