Monday, November 23, 2009

hw # 24

yo why do you always fall asleep in class you do notice that you miss work and a lot of stuff in class right.

yeah i know that but if the body calls for sleep you have to do it. i come after school to work on hw or anything i missed so im good. you i have to know which classes to fall asleep in.

i actualy do not i just want a 65 so i can get out of here.

yo man you need to open your eyes an notice the stuff thats going on around you.

"he starts to notice that this is like the movie matrix and that there are 2 ways to look at the world he sees that things are bad because of his own bad desion and that life would be a lot diffrent if he would choose the  right way

yo i dont even care, since day one everybody has an expirtaion date so all of this will be over soon no matter how you look at it, so all you can do is have fun before that day comes. your last day will be the oppiste of your first. you will grow an die just like a flower. we created things that just make that day come closer so basicly were killing our selfs.

yea i understand but you cant look at life in a negative p.o.v just think positive and positive thing will happen.

NO THAT IS NOT TRUE bad things happen to good people!!!! so i disagree with you. so when you ask me why i fall asleep in school it is because later in life we wont really have to use most of it so i dont carer


  1. I guess your character is trying to illustrate the "Fuck It" type of cool? I'm kind of confused by the the whole Matrix metaphor, but it may be because I haven't really watched it enough times. I actually can connect to this. I used to be like that, but I started to prioritize things in life, and people don't consider you to be cool later in life if you arent well educated, unless your famous.

  2. You character seems to be the "who cares about this shit" type of cool and I get it. I mean a lot of people pretend like they don't care to be cool so they try so hard not to do the things they suppose to do. I feel like when people do that, they look for that attention and that is sooner or later what they are known for. It can't be cool though so I'm confused. But overall it's a pretty good story.
