Friday, November 6, 2009

HW # 18, 19

the first light bulb was invented in 1879 by Thomas Alva Edison which starts our digital/ tech adventure. after the light bulb that opened the doors for a lot of other inventions. from the year 1879 where the light bulb was created to the year present year of 2009 where we have cell phones, ipods, video game, etc. the things that we use now seems like people use it to tunes out the real world an have everybody stay in there own world/ bubble. through out the years it has seemed that we are very addicted to digital. even though we are addicted it is not really a bad addiction. with the many digital things we use we can learn a lot from video games, ipods, cell phones, an also computers. our digital addiction can teach us an it has also made our lives easier, we can buy things, do homework, etc. we can do anything basicly easy access at our finger tips. the human race from the 1870's to the 2000's has been trough a big transformation in the pass years. with out the invention of internet i would not be able to do this homework, the new revolution of tech is very use full. yes we all have become dependent on all of the digital but it is very hard to avoid it when its all around it so you should just jump on the band wagon.

i am a gamer an i have to argue that certain video games can teach kids many things such as like the video game call of duty. through out the game you play as a soldier going trough WW1 an WW2 an while i was playing the game i was learning what was happing in the war. during the game they tell you to go do somthing for example inveltrate a certain country but it is based off true fact that happened in the war. im starting to see alot of games like that where they are trying to teach the kids or who ever is playing that you can have fun while you are learning an also that game sold over a million copies an based off that other game companys are making there games off of true history events. video games now days are getting even more digtial i dont understand how it can but it is, every year the graphics for a game gets better which makes the game look more real. another game that shows that you can learn, have fun, an has good graphics is the new racing simulater call forza 3 motor sport, this games graphics are so good you can not tell if the game was a game or in real life. you can learn from this game if you want to learn about cars because this game go in to detail about everything even the engine. you can have fun by racing people in different countries or even friends from school you can do anything you want. basicly im saying that video games are not just a waste of time because they can teach you things. so if you are a person that says video games root the brain then you are stupid because you have never experience the game for your self (in my opinion).

the first invention of the light bulb was 1879 an after that invention that opened the doors for many more inventions such as the video game, tv, cell phone, an ipod etc. with out the progress of digtial we would still have to use candles an fires for light. with the progress of tech we have become more aware of everything an also it has made life a lot more easier for us now that we can do anything with it. it has gotten so good that our cell phones are even become close enough to computers an even our video games are becoming computer such as the play station 3 were you can serf the web on it you can check your myspace, facebook, twitter, anything you can think of. it is crazy how the human mind can expand the single thought of a light bulb to an ipod, the human race has come a long way an from how it is looking things are only gonna get better, from 1879 to 2009 our ideas are getting better an making our lifes fun an easy.

as we keep buying new version of things such as the new ipod which does the same thing as the last but it looks cooler or its in your fav color, or it has a camera etc. what is the use of buying all the new version of things if they do all the same thing to me it makes no sense. i think every body buys thoses things just to look better than the next person if you think about it if everybody had the same phone the same ipods the same evrything the world would be kinda boring. everybody wants to feel like the better person of everybody by buying better things or flashy things. with how our digital evolution is going we are just going to spend more money on the next verson because it doesnt look like there going to stop making things. how do you think people felt when the light bulb was invented. (this new ball that lights up your house, everybody went out an brought it) people are attractied to new things an out world has a lot to come.

thorugh out the years they make new things an everybody goes an buy it but if people would just take the time out put the phones down or stop doing anything digital they would notice that there life are a little stress free because they have more time to do more important things in there life. video games can teach the mind not root it, computers can be used to learn. from the light bulb to an ipod we WILL have more things coming out that will make out life better or easyier. people dont have to spend all there money on the next version saver the last because there will be many other things to buy. in conclusion our lifes are based off digtial or technogoly an the only thing we can do is hop on an join the rest of the world in our ride of technogoly.

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