Thursday, September 17, 2009

HW#4 Triangular Comments 1

i like the fact that you explan the main topic why are the people now adays use so much tech. in my own word i would have said that every genaration gets more andvance from the last such as the genaration of pong compared to our genaration now where we have the xbox 360, ps3, an also the wii. pong was just 2 things that slide up an down that hits a ball like tennis now with the new genaration we have everything from being able to play them old game on it to being able to play with people across the world. but you did hit some good arguement topics. from the pong to the 360 people have been addicted to the up coming tech but the only thing we can do is jump on the band wagon an buy them to.

it was nice to read your blog an being able to comment on it with our new age tech i hope we can read more later on in the year

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