Tuesday, October 27, 2009

HW # 15

kareems comments:

well first of all you actualy took the time out to read this book an write about it. but i like the fact that you think that "feed" is a work of art but i dont so you are on yur own with that but i would like it better if you could say it is a work of art. but i think out of the hw's 10-14 i think this one is the best it seems like you took more time to do this one an your really took time to think about what you was goning to say about the book.

dylan comments:

i like that you also right like how i do, you dont use big words that you dont understand but you do know how to expand your thoughts with out having to. my fav work from your page out of the 10-14 peices of work we had to choose to write about would have to be. "Monday, October 19, 2009" well since your dont really name your blogs i had to do that. but i like this post because first you took the time out to do it an also you connect the book the our everyday lifes which would have been a better idea because we are teenagers an i think if you would have connected it to the steriotype teenagers in the movies then it would have never worked out like how it did an just like you said "movies send mix messages" which i think is a good way to put it because out of all the movies out there, the movies always have more than one message that they trying to show us. but you also wrote that the age group in this book is tricky, just like i said in my post because you didnt know who the book was talking to ether teens,young adults, or old adults. the book is very tricky i agree.

good work both of you

Monday, October 19, 2009

HW # 13

i think the use of him saying that its a tragedy is basicly saying that the real world kids lifes or our world are tragedys which we have messed up thorugh out time. with every generation getting dumber its just getting worst. i also think that M.T. Anderson wrote this book for the young adults an the old adults so show how the new teenagers are making our economy worst.

in a teenagers eyes many of us do not see the book through the "andy lens" if we didnt have andys class we would think the book was just based off the future but with the thought it makes us look at the book a different way so i dont think the book was that successfull because not everybody sees it the same way. the message in the book is clear to older or young adults but not to teens

Bert Brecht supposedly said that, "Art is not a Mirror with which to reflect the World. It is a Hammer with which to shape it." Would you want your art to be a hammer or a mirror?

i think what he meant by the art is not a mirror with which to reflect the world is that art does not just have one staright forward message like a mirror. art has many different messages an many different view of it. an how a hammer shapes it i think that means art it all around us whatever we look at it counts as art. a persons feelings can be expressed as art, cloths, dance, ect there are many things is our lifes that count as art which shapes our lifes. i would like my art to be a hammer so that i can created a messages to everybody that makes them look at themselfs as a mirror. i want it to be able to have people think about how they think about themselfes as a person when nobodys around an compare it to when people is around.

HW# 12

ok first of all i do think everybody is in there own bubble in this world but not everybody stays in there own some people goes into others an try to personal. but thats beyond the fact that like andy said in class that we are being "feed" the same thing that everybody else is.

i think this book was a perfect idea to show how people now a days act like how they do. so i give props to M.T. Anderson for making the book "feed". i have to disagree with the bubble thing because not everybody kept to them selfs an stay in there bubble everybody like the attention so we like the leave our bubbles an get involved or share our problems.

in the book i think its showing us or trying to make it seem like our generation is stupid/dumb but me being part of the generation i highly disagree. as andy said that the book seems like its a tragedy i think M.T. Anderson was trying to say that our generation has made the world worst due to our techno, an us being lazy an that is what leads to us being dumb or stupid because we are to lazy to learn anything because we are to focuses on our cell phone, aim, myspace, etc.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

HW# 11

ok i didnt get a chance to post the hw on thursday because i had to work after school to midnight but i will write about how it was for me on wensday, friday, an saterday on wensday i did less digital an got more sleep in the process which meant i was on time for school the next day. on friday i also work from 6 to 12 midnight but i played my xbox for 2 hours which meant i went to bed at 3 an didnt wake up till 12 on saterday. on saterday as soon as i woke up i played my 360 an didnt stop till 430 which i was called in for work for another 530 to 12 shift but when i got home i played till 5 in the morning somthing i stoped doing since school started, an ended up waking up at 1pm on sunday.

from what i notice when i double the digtial i lose out on sleep that my body needs an i end up feeling slugish the next day but when i get the sleep i need i feel energetic an like i can do anything since im awake with all this enegry.

Monday, October 5, 2009

HW #10


im going to write this about the history of video games the video game genatraion where it started in the 1940 but where upgraded by the 1950 to become pong an all the other old game we know of the first video game that was advertised was created in 1971 the name of it was computer space it was global everywhere it was all around united states, japan, and also europe  in 1971 Nolan bushnell and Ted Dabney created a coin operated acrade version of spacewar. 
in the 1980's the best video games were invented such as street fighter in (87), pac man was created (1980), donkey kong, metroid,etc
through out the years the video games have been upgraded to become dam near a computer.
in the present day of 2009 we are able to do everything a computer can do. on my xbox 360 i can use my netflix acount an watch movies an also i can watch cable on it to. on my brothers play station 3 he can go on myspace, face book etc. a few years ago we couldnt do that with the video games we had. its seems that all of the video game corperations are trying there best to keep us inside the house to stay stuck to the tv.

Saturday, October 3, 2009


i notice when you watched tv you were like a zombie you didnt really look at the camera but i did see you peeking at it like you were into the show but you also notice that somthing is watching you.

i like the fact that you video shows you watching tv an not on the phone or anything else when your watching tv your just watching tv. others were not distracted but entertained by the game an the cell phone at the same time unlike you.an the lighting in your room is kinda creepy you seem like your traped in a jail cell or somthing


iight i like your video to i see that when your on your computer you like to multitask to. you use your phone while listening to your ipod an also checking your myspace or whatever you was checking.

just like me we cant just do one thing we have to be doing somthing else if its texting an on the computer to eating/texting/playing the game. its all a part of the digital life.

to answer the reason why my video was so long was because i didnt know how to stop it ever time i hit stop somthing pop up an the video kept going.

but with all that said i like the video it shows how our genaration is so addicted to the tech that we need it with everything we do.