Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Untitled from kevin williams on Vimeo.

i notice that when im playing the game im having so much fun an i guess because im so good i have time to beat christan an charles while im texting an eating. i think it is somthing i got use to because when the game is ready you have to be ready to play an if your not your team would be mad at you but since this was a racing game i was on my own but the main thing is 2 beat them 2 so i try to hurry up an eat or get a much as i can until the game is ready. i took the video an 8:30 pm an started the game at the same time an now it is 12:30 am. i just turned the game off while i was waiting for the video to download.
i think i am different than other people when they play the game because they look like zombies but i dont i look at it for a few then look away not because i get distracted its because all it is, is a game i dont really have to play it i just do it for entertainment so i dont really care much.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009


while i was watching the video i did notice that it seemed like you was a zombie you was always looking at the tv an didnt look away until im guessing the other guy was picking his play. me being a gamer to i can just hear the game an i know what game your playing. i like the fact that you kept playing the game instead of looking at the computer just because you know it was hw an you had to do it but you stayed yourself an played it.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

HW# 7

on kevin's heroic tour of new york he found him self walking down park ave with his noble sted kareem on there walk to 14th st they notice that nobody wanted to talk to them about the question they were asking so they walked back to the school.

well yeah like i said nobody at all wanted to talk to us so we walked back to school but while i was working on saterday on my 6pm-12am shift around 8:30 this guy came up to my stand an he was listeing to the base ball game on his iphone an he told me that if he paid $2.99 he could watch the game to so im  starting to see that you can do anything on your phone now.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

HW #5

ok to start it off through out the years that i been living an learning i noticed that there will always be a new thing such as video games every year there is a new system that comes out an all of the people are drawen to but it i will not say dumb enough to buy it because i am one of those people that will buy one. so i will say drawn because we are so use to playing them we just gotta have one for entertainment. the world that playes it is being brain washed into the techno world where our lifes revolve around tech.

why must we need a new cell phone if we already had 1 that works perfectly good is it to keep up with the crowd or is it for personal reasons. its the same thing with tvs why do we need hd tv all of a sudden when for 20 plus years our normal tvs were working just fine an what most of the people didnt know about hd tv is that the tvs uses more energy because it is more detailed in picture due to brighter pixels. if u didnt notice that they basicly forced us to buy hd tv this year around feb 13. so the people who didnt have one had to go out an buy one because if they didnt they couldnt watch tv anymore.

what im basicly trying to say is that the things we buy over an over again will end up becoming old an then were gonna wind up buy new things only because everybody else is buying one.
maybe in the next 10 to 20 years theres gonna be a new type of tv after everybody gets a hd tv there just gonna change it just so we can spend more money.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

HW#4 Triangular Comments 1

i like the fact that you explan the main topic why are the people now adays use so much tech. in my own word i would have said that every genaration gets more andvance from the last such as the genaration of pong compared to our genaration now where we have the xbox 360, ps3, an also the wii. pong was just 2 things that slide up an down that hits a ball like tennis now with the new genaration we have everything from being able to play them old game on it to being able to play with people across the world. but you did hit some good arguement topics. from the pong to the 360 people have been addicted to the up coming tech but the only thing we can do is jump on the band wagon an buy them to.

it was nice to read your blog an being able to comment on it with our new age tech i hope we can read more later on in the year


something i want to add on is that our generation has grown to ipods or anything type of music player while they do there home work. for example im listening to my music to do my home work now because i feel that it makes me more comfortable an for some reason it is easyer for me to concentrate on doing my home work.

an i am noticing that everything is done off of the internet now a days such as home work,shopping,an working at home. everybody will end up being fat doing everything at home no working out at all just eating, watching tv, being on the computer, an sleep that all our generations will become.


What are some of the topicsthat this suggests to you?

how america has gotten lazy from the tech an how many movies show that in the future most of the humans will be fat or over weight because everything is right there. an also since everybody will be lazy an using alot of tech there will be more an more phones coming out which means there will be more wasted resources an there will be more chemicals in the air because of all the phones there making.

When you think about the conquest of so many hours of your day, and the days of the people around you, by the electromagnetic-representational-dimension, what are some of the aspects that seem interesting to you?

well as a young teenager most of my time is spent watching tv an playing video games. but when i am home an do not feel like doing that i will go out side an play football,basketball, an any types of sports that my boys feel like playing. so i do not spend every min of my life like a zombie watching tv an playing the video game.

What's good and what's bad and what's weird about all this?

i think it is good that we are talking about this because we are the generation that everybody is talking about an since its about us we should know about it. the good part is that we have tech to survive now a days but the bad part is what will happen if the tech fails

What's obvious but still important? its obvious that our generation grew up playing video games so were gonna play games.