Monday, May 3, 2010

HW #52

well in a family situation it is either love or hate. living with a family is stress full also because somedays when you need space they always want to be there but you just want to be to your self. an we can not avoid them because we live with them family is one thing you can not get rid of. while friends on the other hand are the people that you would talk to when you do not feel like talking to your family people act like this because somethings are easyer to tell friends besides family an the other way around. in a bf an gf husband an wife side of the story it is sapost to be all love an if there are any problems you can get trough it but some people just can not take it an they can not be together with other person. i think we all do this because it is in the gods hand book of life, our lives are planed already like they say everything happens for a reason you would not have broken up with you gf or bf or leave your family or drop a friend for no reason.

in my family it was a tug of war of power my mom always thought she had the power but that is not how it sapost to be in a family everybody is sapost to be equal as humans because when 1 person in the family starts trying to get all the power that makes the other people feel like there below an they will rebel against her or that person.

in a friendship the friends have equal power people are drawn into the people that they can connect to. if one of the friends try to get more power than the other it creates problems between them 2 an that can lead into a fight. with guys the fight is usaualy about girls with girl is uaualy about guys or some other reason that i do not know. guys are easy to explan because i am one an we do not fight over dumb things we know how to make up an still be cool girls just hold grudges forever. if im wrong about the girls please comment.

i think our whole world should life as just friendly, no races acts an just no problems with any race other than there own. but if the world was like that our lives would be boring. come on you got to admit that our lives are based off of racism, with out it who knows how life would be. being at s.o.f made me open my eyes to different races only because they are around me everyday so you get use to it.

my theories of love is that u gotta hate somebody to love them or thats how i saw it from my family i am not saying that, that is the way i think about me an my gf but just as i was growing up i heard the word hate a lot in my family. also what i mean by you have to hate somebody to love them is because you have to like all aspect of that person you can not only like the nice part of the person you gotta also be able to coup with the bad part to. if you can do that the realtionship to me should last. my parents just could get along.

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