Monday, April 26, 2010

HW #50

Gatto: i like his 4th lesson where he said he teaches his own curriculum an he does listen to what the people who pays his tells him he teaches the things he want. he has a procedures to get the kids in check.
the article about teacher an student boredom, i liked this because he does have a point students are tired of learning thing that wont matter in life if it did then we would not be because it would interest us. at the end of his article he also said that schools are sort of turning us into servants how that school is mandatory etc. 

Freire:  for this one i do not like the fact that he call students listening objects like we are things that people just throw around like rag dolls or that we can do whatever they want us to do. i do like that he said that education can not serve as the oppressor.

Delpit: o hell no Lisa Delpit think that black kids should be treated diff than white kids. i deff disagree with her because we are all the same we are people we are just a different color but it does not matter what color we are on the out side we are all the same color on the inside an also skin color does not determine how smart your are. this is very offensive to black people not only were we in slavery we have to deal with people not wanting us in school. o well out of all thoses things we went trough we are still here fighting for equality out of all the times we got put down we stood back up on our feet an kept fighting so we are here to stay an we want the same education that the white kids or any other kid has it doesnt matter about the teacher who is teaching us because just like the white kid we will learn the same thing that they are learning.

i agree with fanning as he said that our school/ every student is distracted quick an easy an a lot of it has to do with tech such as comp, cell phones, or even ipods. i remember when i was young an i stayed home from school one day or i got home from school i cant remember that well but i ended up watching tv an kennen an kel was on an they had a part of the show when them two went to the future an they didnt have to leave there house or room to go to school because there teacher was on the tv an all they had to do was put on a hat like a thinking hat an there answers was streamed right to the teachers room so that the teacher could know what they got for the question. this also connects to what fanning said because he said kids are not motivated to come to school anymore, i am saying that tech has a big role to play in that reason due to the fact that a lot of kids stay up playing the games or on there comp all night i am one of them that do it which is why i come to school at second period everyday now. with me i am motivated to just finish school because im getting tired of it i dont wanna go to college because if i cant stand it now an i can not come to school on time now what makes you think i will do it in college. i am not trying to go to college. even though i came in late to fanning interview i heard a lot that was said when i got there.

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