Monday, December 21, 2009

HW # 30

How does this emptiness feel? 
i think that the only reason why people so call feel empty is because we were never thought the true reason what it feels like to be full inside since everybody is so call empty. there will always be this one thing in your life that makes you feel empty so there is not really a example or good reason of how we could be full.... for example everybody has a dream which is to become rich an then you would live a happy lifestyle but if you look at the rich people they seem misrable so having money does not lead to happiness it just leads to more problems. as i was saying there would always be a problem somewhere in your life no matter what you do.
also people think that being in love is being full because they found somebody they really care about, but just because you found that person you do not really know how that is going to replace that emptiness in your life because like i said there is always something missing in your life even if you are with the one you love. humans need to have more than what they have for example if everybody had the same amount of money there would always be one or a few people that wants more money than other people. we always want to feel like we have more power than the other person.

How does cool relate to our attempt to live in relation to this emptiness?
i think that the people that try to be cool are trying to fit in so that they can feel like they are full inside because they would have more friends. an also friends make you feel good about your self so i guess the attempts for humans to be or feel accepted is one of our goals to feel full.
i also think that it is in our nature to follow somebody for example we see a rapper or a pop artist an we all of a sudden want to buy there cd or there cloths. so it is in human nature to try an fit in i also think that being cool is over rated because everybody wants to be cool in there own way. but even in your own way there is somebody else doing the same thing so you really wont be cool in your own way.

HW # 28

i used this magazine as being cool because everybody so call wants to be like them. nice watches, chains, big ear rings an a lot of money. xxl magazine is known for showing off the new artist or the ones that are doing good at what they do. as you can see they show off all the money they made by buying cars an chains etc. this is a sign of cool because everybody wants to be like them. if you google xxl magazines all you would see is people showing off there money. so i guess having money an showing it off is "cool"

Monday, December 14, 2009

HW #29

the part that really caught me was the part when they was talking about sex an that sex is a big part to our lifes an it is true because if you think about it, sex sales an if you have to make a kid buy your products so that you can get rich people will sell it. i dont think it was a crime what Britney Spears did because she was just showing off her body an if thats a crime then sex is a crime to because its all around us an we wont be able to get ride of it an aslo if it was a crime we would be the criminals because a bunch of us(youth) followed her an saying that sex is cool. i think the reason why teens followed that p.o.v was because since a rich white girl did it it must be cool an that if we did it to we would be cool to an i also think that some kids thought that if they followed her in that image we would be grown since grown is basicly sex an work so they wanted to take of the work part an fill it in with fun an saying having a sexual image would be fun an that would make them feel grown.

another part that made me think was the part with the music. alot of people say that teens act like how we do is because of the music we listen to. the video showed that that was a big part of it but they showed teens lighting things on fire an the reporter saying that the kids did that because of the music but how do they know that is the reason it could have been just to have fun or they could have been mad or a conflict happened there are many other reason why that could have happen but they never asked the teens why they did that an i think if they did they would have not said it was the musics fault.

Monday, December 7, 2009


cool billy.jpg   i think that this cover of ebony mag is saying that being black is being cool an i think that is right because a lot of rappers are black an they portray the so called cool look with the nice watches an chains fancy cars an sexy girls an also dressing nice. so i guess being black is cool now, not looking back at history but paying attention to the present an looking how we have grown as a culture.

during the break i interviewed/ talked to my brother the person i look up to. i look up to him because he went to college an meet a girl, got married an brought a house. but they struggled but they still got what they needed an wanted in life which i found cool. i talked to him an asked him what does he think about the whole college situation because i was thinking about not going because i cant sand school an i really do not want to do another 4 years of some thing i do not like. an i also said i did not want to go because its going to cost a lot of money an you will end up in debt. my bro ended up in 42,000 dollars in debt an his wife 84,000 an they grad 10 years ago an there still paying that off. so i was in doubt an really did not want to go. he said that it would be better for your life when finish it because you will end up with more of a life if you do. but i think he is cool because he has been through a lot an he is doing good in life now.

Friday, December 4, 2009

HW# 26


i think ian is cool because he is the only guy that every guy in the school can give hugs 2 an also he is good with helping people out when there down.

dylan is cool because he has a laid back type personality an does not really care bout a lot of things

ali jo is cool because she is dating ian an there cute as a couple an she is smart an she lives down the block. she also have her own style an i can understand that.

kareem is so called cool because a lot of people know him an he plays sports. even though hes an ass hole some times but then he notice that he is being a ass hole then he says sorry. an he is also cool because he has a different hair style than everybody