Monday, May 17, 2010

HW # 57

What should be the social arrangements? An extended family, nuclear family, a village, corporate day care?
the family arrangement for a family is go to school, go to college, get a job start a family that is the human circle of life.

What should be the guiding principles? Love? Obedience? Loving obedience? Humor? Empowerment? Subordination? Time outs? Separate cribs or co-sleeping? Breast feeding or bottle? Child-centered or parent-centered? etc.

all of these count because once in everybodies they will have to deal with one of these situaition to make a family

What were the best parts of how you were parented (since the worst parts don't really belong in a public class blog)?

i would have to say my parents forcing me into independence me having to find an get everything for my self an me being thought how to control myself an not get crazy like a lot of kids out there

How do you think you'd parent if you're put in that position?

i would be a understanding parent but also a parent that knows how to have fun an get serious at the same time

Do you think babies should be treated more like adults or like puppies?

i dont think they should be treated like adults i think they should be treated like there 5 because they do understand what is going on but cant not do anything like a 5 year old. they deff should not be treated like a puppy because thats just wrong. they are humans they should be treated like 1.

Do you think parenting will "come naturally" or do you think you'll have to research multiple perspectives and come up with a (possibly evolving) model in collaboration with other family members? Did your family read books about how to parent you or do informal research such as talking to other family members?

i think there are somethings i would have to look up but a lot of things will come naturally. but me as a parent to a new born kid i would prob let my parents take care of it an when it gets a lil older.

Monday, May 10, 2010

HW #54

i also didnt feel comfortable to post my result because i dont think it would matter

i notice that people have different personalities than they say to you but they have different ones on paper when they know that no bodies who is saying what is on the paper

Thursday, May 6, 2010

HW # 53

part 2
i felt fully comfortable about taking the survey i felt that taking the survey was a good way to let out somethings that i had in me for a while. but i do not feel comfortable saying it on this.

part 3
from seeing the result from Wednesday i can see that for some of the sexual question a lot of people answer only what people would like to hear because i know that if you asked that person gf or bf they would not agree with what they put down.

part 4
well i can see that there results was determined by how the reacted a week before an after the survey

Monday, May 3, 2010

HW #52

well in a family situation it is either love or hate. living with a family is stress full also because somedays when you need space they always want to be there but you just want to be to your self. an we can not avoid them because we live with them family is one thing you can not get rid of. while friends on the other hand are the people that you would talk to when you do not feel like talking to your family people act like this because somethings are easyer to tell friends besides family an the other way around. in a bf an gf husband an wife side of the story it is sapost to be all love an if there are any problems you can get trough it but some people just can not take it an they can not be together with other person. i think we all do this because it is in the gods hand book of life, our lives are planed already like they say everything happens for a reason you would not have broken up with you gf or bf or leave your family or drop a friend for no reason.

in my family it was a tug of war of power my mom always thought she had the power but that is not how it sapost to be in a family everybody is sapost to be equal as humans because when 1 person in the family starts trying to get all the power that makes the other people feel like there below an they will rebel against her or that person.

in a friendship the friends have equal power people are drawn into the people that they can connect to. if one of the friends try to get more power than the other it creates problems between them 2 an that can lead into a fight. with guys the fight is usaualy about girls with girl is uaualy about guys or some other reason that i do not know. guys are easy to explan because i am one an we do not fight over dumb things we know how to make up an still be cool girls just hold grudges forever. if im wrong about the girls please comment.

i think our whole world should life as just friendly, no races acts an just no problems with any race other than there own. but if the world was like that our lives would be boring. come on you got to admit that our lives are based off of racism, with out it who knows how life would be. being at s.o.f made me open my eyes to different races only because they are around me everyday so you get use to it.

my theories of love is that u gotta hate somebody to love them or thats how i saw it from my family i am not saying that, that is the way i think about me an my gf but just as i was growing up i heard the word hate a lot in my family. also what i mean by you have to hate somebody to love them is because you have to like all aspect of that person you can not only like the nice part of the person you gotta also be able to coup with the bad part to. if you can do that the realtionship to me should last. my parents just could get along.

Monday, April 26, 2010

HW #50

Gatto: i like his 4th lesson where he said he teaches his own curriculum an he does listen to what the people who pays his tells him he teaches the things he want. he has a procedures to get the kids in check.
the article about teacher an student boredom, i liked this because he does have a point students are tired of learning thing that wont matter in life if it did then we would not be because it would interest us. at the end of his article he also said that schools are sort of turning us into servants how that school is mandatory etc. 

Freire:  for this one i do not like the fact that he call students listening objects like we are things that people just throw around like rag dolls or that we can do whatever they want us to do. i do like that he said that education can not serve as the oppressor.

Delpit: o hell no Lisa Delpit think that black kids should be treated diff than white kids. i deff disagree with her because we are all the same we are people we are just a different color but it does not matter what color we are on the out side we are all the same color on the inside an also skin color does not determine how smart your are. this is very offensive to black people not only were we in slavery we have to deal with people not wanting us in school. o well out of all thoses things we went trough we are still here fighting for equality out of all the times we got put down we stood back up on our feet an kept fighting so we are here to stay an we want the same education that the white kids or any other kid has it doesnt matter about the teacher who is teaching us because just like the white kid we will learn the same thing that they are learning.

i agree with fanning as he said that our school/ every student is distracted quick an easy an a lot of it has to do with tech such as comp, cell phones, or even ipods. i remember when i was young an i stayed home from school one day or i got home from school i cant remember that well but i ended up watching tv an kennen an kel was on an they had a part of the show when them two went to the future an they didnt have to leave there house or room to go to school because there teacher was on the tv an all they had to do was put on a hat like a thinking hat an there answers was streamed right to the teachers room so that the teacher could know what they got for the question. this also connects to what fanning said because he said kids are not motivated to come to school anymore, i am saying that tech has a big role to play in that reason due to the fact that a lot of kids stay up playing the games or on there comp all night i am one of them that do it which is why i come to school at second period everyday now. with me i am motivated to just finish school because im getting tired of it i dont wanna go to college because if i cant stand it now an i can not come to school on time now what makes you think i will do it in college. i am not trying to go to college. even though i came in late to fanning interview i heard a lot that was said when i got there.

HW #49

i did not have any contribution to the film because i was hardly in class to even be part of it.

i think the message of our film is to show that it can not always be the teacher that saves us but we can save the teacher.

most of the movies we watch was the teacher saving kids but this time it was the kids saving the teacher.

in our culture it always seems that the teacher is going to save us by teaching us certain things but if the class is bad like it was in the films we saw that would not work they have to connect to us by getting to know us not by boring us with work.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

HW #48

Tyrone Gibbs is fresh out of college right into a teaching job. he does not know what to do, his first day he did not have a game plan for the work that the students will have to do so he went in with a blank mind. the kids ask him are we going to learn anything an he answer what will you like to learn. The students say well   you do not seem like you know what you are doing. the students take the class over an teaches each other. the leader of the students say no do not show him what to do because if you do he will just try to make it seem like he is more in power(the leader is a female), the students listen for a few days after the teacher breaks the leader the students get back to teaching. he learns from the students an notice that they only teach things that is relovent to high school students an out side life, but nothing that has to do with the school corikulam. the teacher gets in trouble for not doing his job but he says no i will not they seem like they are doing well with what they are learning an they should keep doing it. by the time the students have thought the teacher all they know he is ready to teach them what he knows. at the end of the movie the teacher an students learned things from each other an they move on to be success full in life the teach is still teaching things that are important in real life situations an the students say that the class comes in handy.