Monday, February 8, 2010

HW #39

  1. why is school so annoying?
  2. why does school start so early?
  3. why must we do hw to pass?
  4. why is it that your parents always think they know what you going trough in school when it was very different back then?
  5. why is school so stress full

  • school stress you out in life
  • it makes the life with you family(parents) worst 
  • schools are a big day care so that your parents could work so that you can stay busy
  • if school did not worry about grades so much there would be less drop outs
  • if schools care so much about how you feel why would they fail you then when you come in pissed off they wonder why

if every teacher would pass students then we would not have to hear it from our parents which mean we wont come into school mad the next day deff if you deserve to pass the class. because right now i am pissed off at the fact that i failed 3 classes an 2 classes i actually did work in so i just think i should have gotten at least a 65 but not i got a 55 which means i did not do anything the whole semester so i will be pissed off at these 2 teachers for the last semester of my high school life which i know 1 of them do not even care about me being mad which i really do not care. i just do not care about school much anymore i just want that paper so i can move on with my life, school is not important to me.

how do i think it came to be? i think teachers are made to be jerks period. an parents do not make it better one bit because u could get 90's an they would always want more than that but i am not made at that i can understand they want there kids to do better an push there limits but if they get a 65 do not be mad just be happy they passed. i think teachers are jerks because a lot of them know that the student at least do all the work even if it is not up to the there par the student at least took time out from there life to do "all" the work an for the student to do all that an fail how do you think the student will feel going into the 2nd semester. they would not be happy at all an they would just think about all the work they put  in is worth nothing an would think second about even doing the hw this time.

1 comment:

  1. kevin,

    some parts of the human anatomy seem shameful to mention to most people in our society. sometimes they can be used in everyday conversation, but writing, and particularly academic writing follows stricter rules. please remove specific anatomical references from this post if you want it to be eligible for academic credit. the phrase "big sillies" might be a sensible substitute.
