Thursday, January 21, 2010

HW# 37


HW# 34

our view of being cool is based off our race. because every race has a different type of cool. but in my p.o.v every race has a certain class of cool. this is a good example where the black race have every type of social stautes, if you notice that the black kids in the low class has basicly all the sneakers an they wear nice cloths everyday but the upper class would never wear the things that the lower class wear. matter fact i cant even call them the lower class because they are working class. but they can barly afford the things they buy an they still buy it. so im guessing that is the view of cool. but i dont think so i think that if you can buy things on your own an support your self an not have to rely on your parents then that is cool in my eye. i think that it is so important to the working class to go an buy things so that people would look at them an not think that they are struggling so they go buy fancy things.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

HW #33

THESIS: people do not act real because we are never thought since were young how to act or be real, we follow the last person or the enviornment we are around. the people that we follow can either be following somebody who is cool or thinks they are and that person is following somebody else. our parents cant teach us because they  do not know how to be real themself when were babies we are sticked in a room with other babies an are left there, we will end up following the other babies because we do not know what to do so we just follow them.

DYLAN: he heard of an experiment that they stuck a baby in a room by its self an the baby just went blank because it has nobody to play with or to enteract with.

i agree with andy if we stop worrying about being cool we would have so much more time for anything else such as getting a job, getting better at hobbies, or doing something that  can mean something to you or your family.

i dont think we need to be cool i just think that we are drawn into it we just need something in our lifes to stay busy. we all are starting to notice that we are all getting old an that we will die in a few years so all of this trying to be cool will not matter because a cool dead person does not get that far.


Monday, January 4, 2010

hw #32

tattoos i think are kinda cool depeding on who has the tattoo an what the tattoo is me myself i like tribal tattoos an i would not mind getting one on my arm an also my initials on my neck but i wont get anything else. i think people should think about what kind of tat they want because when they get old it would not look so good. like for example if a girl gets a butterfly when there young that butterfly might not be a butter fly when they get old it might change into a dragon or something because of there saging skin. but i just do not know which tat i want if i get one it would have to mean something to me. a lot of people get tats that mean something to them that happened in there life an also people get tats that do not mean anything at all. just to show off that they have a tat.

tats can go into depth about how much a person has been through in there life or something meaning full happened any way you think about it they mark there bodies to remember the thing that happened. back in the day when the native american marked there bodies to show how a kid is becoming a man or how a man  is the protecter of the people that was very meaningfully because the other people would see the tats an know who that person is

when people get tats for no reason i dont understand it because when you ask the person why they get the tat was it meaningfull to you or somthing they would say no ther just wanted a tat to show off. i just dont get it.

also i noticed that people try to get in shape when there getting a tat so that when they get the tat it looks hot